Sunday, February 17, 2008

Thing 3: RSS

I was really hopeful that I would be able to add a button to my toolbar to add content directly to my Google Reader. But alas, it appears that particular capability is still in labor and delivery.

But I found the next best thing to quickly add content to my Google Reader! In Google Reader, click on "manage subscriptions" at the bottom of your list of subscriptions. Click on the "Goodies" tab at the top. Scroll to the bottom to "Subscribe as you surf" and it will give you a link that you can add to your bookmarks/favorites. It says you can drag it but that didn't work for me. I had to right click on the link, then choose "Add to Favorites." It said it might be unsafe, but I thought I'd go for it. The word "subscribe" is now one of my favorites. You then go to a blog you want to add to Google Reader and click on this favorite and it opens Google Reader. You need to choose to subscribe and then the blog is added! I also used "manage subscriptions" to create folders since I was starting to get quite a number of items in there. I will be adding all my fellow LMS's blogs so I can see who is adding new stuff for this challenge. (I am now watching you! :)

I really like it that I don't have to visit each web page individually and that I can see the opening blubs of the posts. I can quickly scan through to see what I want to read. Some of my feeds include friends, church, fellow LMSs, technology info, grant info... It is nice to have one place to go to check up on all the different areas of my life.

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