Thursday, March 20, 2008

Thing 8: Share

I tried uploading a video on Creative Commons (which just fascinates me!) from SlideShare and it said it had posted successfully...but no video on my page. Curious. I thought it was lost in cyberspace. But I actually have three blogs on my Blogger account, and this morning I found it posted to the first blog in my list. I believe it was in Flickr that you were able to choose which blog to post to, so I'd like to see that in SlideShare.

You can click on the link above to view the video I was hoping to post here.

I just added my Dino World library event pictures in a Flick cube on the sidebar. I was hoping to simply be able to upload it to blogger through the Picture Trail site, which at first it didn't look like you could. I had to click on get code, then it showed the multitude of options for auto-posting. Thankfully, this one magically appeared on the correct blog, since it did not ask which one to post to. I think I had this blog open, which may have had something to do with it, but then I wasn't logged in like I thought I was, so I'm not really sure. I'm sticking with my "magic" theory - it works with elementary students...and staff (for now...). I loved that there was an option to post it to the sidebar. That was helpful and a nice choice to offer.

I do wonder about using photos in the public school setting. A teacher was using another Web 2.0 site, Animoto, and my district tech person pointed out that even though the pictures were not made public, she was concerned about them even living out on someone else's server over which we have no control. Good point. How careful do we need to be in protecting our children? Through how many layers do we need to peel to protect them and ourselves? Curious.

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