Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Thing 16: RPC & Assignment Calculator

These are excellent resources for upper secondary and higher-ed students. I am the free-flowing, artsy (aka last minute/procrastinating) type, so it feels very structured and deadline-y to me. I don't like it on a visceral level, but I often seek after it to help me see just how far behind I'm falling. I would love to be the type that can do just a few minutes (hours) each day, rather than a full on push at the end. But alas... (note the date and time on these final blog entries compared to the deadline for FABULOUS PRIZES). (There is a great Calvin and Hobbes cartoon that I had years ago about only working to a deadline - anyone have a copy??)

I would like to start introducing these tools to my 6th graders, maybe even 5th graders. I would like the teachers to begin backing off on how much they personally harp on students to meet deadlines, and refer them to the computerized outline in their packets (where did that folder go?). It would be a good external timeline that students could refer to, and perhaps access from home.

Again, I like the idea...maybe I should start even younger...maybe that would have saved me... (look - a butterfly!)

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